Saturday, November 14, 2009

We now continue this model build already in progress of the:

So now the undercarriage is finished and ready for its last coat of paint and clear. As one may know from the Monogram Bad Actor kit, the underneath of the model is severely lacking. I've already added the ribbing and cut open and added a tunnel, but after the 454 from the Revell Chevelle kit didn't fit, I had to add extensions onto the wheel wells to allow for the radiator wall to be pushed forward an extra 1/4".

Here you can see the custom crafted tunnel in the kit, with one more coating of black this carriage will be ready for its final coat of clear.

If you look right above the wheel well you can see the extensions. That was made using a stock box beam. The beam was cut at the proper angle and glued into place, but in the inner portion of the wheel well, the excess of the beam has been cut away leaving the model with a neat effect on a cleaned up wheel well and now the engine fits just fine.

So next is the engine clean up involving the addition of the carburators, blower top, spark plug wires, misc wiring and headers. Once those are done the engine can go in and rest of the underneath can be complete that has to be built around it.

Yet the interior is still in need to be completed.

As you can see, the cherry bed is almost finished and ready to be glued in, once that is complete the rest of the fabric can be glued in.

Heres hoping for a soon to be finished build. This model is going to the Turkey Rod Run in Daytona, FL and I'm really hoping to have a few others ready before then.
